Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in the Shallow- and Deep-Inelastic Kinematic regime


The nuS&DIS workshop will be held at GSSI, Italy on October 11-13, 2018the program can be found at this link. The workshop is held just before the NuInt18 conference.

The conference proceedings are published.


1. General introduction and considerations from non-neutrino communities.
2. Overview of generator treatments of the SIS and DIS region.
3. Sensitivity of oscillation parameters to the SIS and DIS region.
4. Resonances and non-resonant contribution with W > Delta: Theory and Experiment.
5. The transition from SIS to DIS: Theory and Experiment.
6. Current status of nuclear QCD and nuclear PDFs: Theory and Experiment.
7. Hadronization in the nuclear environment: Theory and Experiment.