Conveners: Dan Cherdack, Vishvas Pandey, and Afroditi Papadopoulou
Members: Luca Doria, Josephine Paton, and Prabhjot Singh
The goal of the NuSTEC CEWG is to provide a service to the neutrino-nucleus interaction community by aiding communication between experiments, and building consensus on how to best perform and report cross section measurements.
- March 13, 2025: “Neutrino Induced Charged Current Coherent Pion Production for Constraining the Muon Neutrino Flux at DUNE”, Gray Putnam (Fermilab), Mun Jung Jung (University of Chicago)
- February 6, 2025: “Hypothesis tests and model parameter estimation on data sets with missing correlation information”, Lukas Koch (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
- January 16, 2025: “Modelling neutrino interactions and their uncertainties for the T2K experiment”, Stephen Dolan (CERN)
- December 5, 2024: “OmniFold: Machine Learning-Assisted Unfolding”, Andrew Cudd (University of Colorado Boulder)
- November 7, 2024: “Data-driven Model Validation For Neutrino Cross Section Measurements”, Lee Hagaman (University of Chicago)
- October 17, 2024: Joint CEWG + CTGWG Event
“2p2h from the Valencia Model Revisited”, Joanna Sobczyk (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
“Measurement of double differential charged current muon neutrino scattering in three-momentum transfer and available energy using the NOvA Near Detector”, Travis Olson (University of Houston) - October 3, 2024: “Current Status of Achilles Event Generator”, Joshua Isaacson (Fermilab)
- September 12, 2024: “New proton transparency data with electron probe and its relationship to neutrino experiments”, Steven Dytman (University of Pittsburgh)
- August 15, 2024: “Neutrino-nucleus interaction systematic uncertainties and baseline model for DUNE analyses”, Laura Munteanu (CERN)
- June 13, 2024: “Measurement of double-differential cross sections for mesonless charged-current muon neutrino interactions on argon with final-state protons using the MicroBooNE detector”, Steven Gardiner (Fermilab)
- March 7, 2024: “Measurement of Transverse/Generalized Kinematic Imbalance Variables in MicroBooNE”, Andrew Furmanski (University of Minnesota), Afroditi Papadopoulou (Argonne National Laboratory)
- January 18, 2024: “NuHepMC: A Standardized Event Record Format for Neutrino Event Generators”, Steven Gardiner (Fermilab), Joshua Isaacson (Fermilab), Luke Pickering (STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- December 2, 2021: “Data Unfolding with the Wiener-SVD Method”, Hanyu Wei (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Wenqiang Gu (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Xin Qian (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
“Further Applications of the Additional Smearing Matrix”, Lukas Koch (University of Oxford) - June 3, 2021: “SBND-PRISM: Sampling Multiple Off-Axis Fluxes with the Same Detector”, Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab), Vishvas Pandey (University of Florida)
- April 8, 2021: “The T2K Method for Cross Section Extraction”, Andrew Cudd (University of Colorado Boulder), Ciro Riccio (Stony Brook University), Ka Ming Tsui (University of Liverpool), Stephen Dolan (CERN)
- March 4, 2021: “Comparing Data to Generators: Examples from NOvA Cross-section Measurements”, Mathew Muether (Wichita State)
- December 3, 2020: “MicroBooNE: CC Interactions with at Least One Proton and No Pions in the Final State”, Andrew Furmanski (University of Minnesota)
- November 2, 2020: “Flux Shape Uncertainties”, Lukas Koch (Oxford University), Stephen Dolan (CERN)